Expert moms help you publish!
Expert moms help you publish!
100% money back guarantee!
Look your best. Stand above the rest.
Look your best. Stand above the rest.
Our moms will help you craft superior, professional content.
Moms are paid the professional rates they deserve!
Moms are paid the professional rates they deserve!
We minimize overhead to create maximum benefit.

Why Copyedit Mom?

Copyedit Mom connects talented, stay-at-home moms to professionals who can directly benefit from their skills and expertise.

Use money for good

We believe that money should be used to make the world a better place. That’s why we pay every mom a professional rate for her professional work. This allows her to contribute financially to her family, but still prioritize the most important thing in life, her family, by working flexible hours out of her home.

Professional Work

Our moms bring a high level of professionalism to every job they do. They’re professional moms for their families, and they’re professional copyeditors for you. Their resumes include writing and teaching, college degrees, and experience producing top notch content.

Money back guarantee

We’re convinced that you’ll love what you see. In fact, we guarantee it. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, we’ll refund 100% of your money.

Why Copyedit Mom?

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